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PHAJOES is a journal that is based on a deep rooted or foundational investigation and examination of educational principles,
theories and practices for ultimate improvement and progress of the society.

Aim of the Journal

Port Harcourt Journal of Educational Studies (PHAJOES) is a journal housed in the Department of Educational Foundations, University of Port Harcourt. The journal is aimed at publishing well researched, theoretical and empirical research papers, reviews and essays that can address issues of contemporary concerns and consequently contributing to the volume of information available in the various disciplines of education that can address the plethora of problems staring the societies in the face. Therefore:

  1. PHAJOES is a journal that provides avenue for intellectual discourses and dissection of contemporary educational issues to generate new ideas in theory and practice.
  2. PHAJOES is a journal that is based on a deep rooted or foundational investigation and examination of educational principles, theories and practices for ultimate improvement and progress of the society.

In line with the above, the Editorial Board invites contributions (thoroughly researched theoretical and empirical papers) from scholars across the globe.  Articles focusing on any aspect of education shall be considered for publication after being reviewed.

Frequency of Publication

The journal is published quarterly (January, March/April, July/August and

Legal Declaration - Plagiarism/Licence Issues

It is the policy of the Editorial Board not to consider or publish manuscript submitted concurrently to other journals. Articles already published by other journals or used materials or works with issues relating to plagiarism are therefore not acceptable.    

Note: This journal or its Editorial Board takes no responsibility for the consequence(s) of violating this legal declaration.

Mode of Submission and Links

Articles are to be sent with the authors details, including name, post and institutional affiliation.   Every paper should be sent to the Editor/Managing Editor through electronic Submission, importantly the following email addresses:

 [email protected]  or  [email protected]

Fees: Local & International

Notice of acceptance/assessment report is sent to author(s) of the paper(s). Payment of USD60.00 for International Authors and 25,000.00 (Twenty-Five Thousand Naira), payable to the Editor or  through:
(i) Bank Transfer
(ii) Credit Card: (MasterCard, Visa or Verve) and other electronic means.

Note: Paper’s Acceptance Letter has the details of journal’s bank account.

Subscription/Purchase - Individuals/Institutions